By OMKAR TENDOLKAR

Hello friends,

                      This is our 13th blog from the series of "Vedic maths" blogs. Here in this blog we will learn about "subtraction using the rule ''All from 9 and last from 10".

Subtraction using the rule ''All from 9 and last from 10":

                Subtraction using rule ''' All from 9 and last from 10" is one of elementary techniques of vedic Mathematics. Basically it is used to subtract any number from a power of ten. The powers of the .include  number like 10, 100, 1000, 10000, etc.
               So if you want to learn a method by which you can quickly Subtract a number from power of tens, then this technique can come to your aid.
               When we go to the market to buy something, we generally give a hundred rupee note to the shopkeeper and calculate the change that we should get after deducting the total amount of groceries, In such a situation, this technique can come to our aid.
                   Let us have a look at few examples.


1) Subtract 54.36 from 100

       -   54.36

              We are asked to subtract 54.36 from 100. In this case, we generally start from the right and subtract 6 from 0. But, we realize that it is not possible to subtract 6 from 0 and so we move to the number in the left and then borrow one and give it to zero and make it ten and so on.
            This whole procedure is slightly cumbersome and there is possibility of making a Mistake too.  
        Vedic Mathematics provide a very simple alternative. The approach of Vedic Mathematics is explained by rule ''All from 9 and last from 10". It means that we have to subtract each digit from nine and subtract the last digit from 10. This will give us the answer.
              The number to be subtracted is 54.36. We have to subtract all the digits from nine except for the last digit which be subtracted from ten. Thus,
      9 - 5 = 4
      9 - 4 = 5
      9 - 3 = 6
    10 - 6 = 4
The final answer is 45.64

100 - 54.36 = 45.64

2) Subtract 3478.2281 from 10000

       -   3478.2281

               In  this case, we will subtract the digit 3, 4, 7, 8, 2, 2 and 8 from 9 and last digit 1 from 10. The respective answer will be 6, 5, 2, 1, 7, 7, 1 and 9. Thus, the final answer is 6521.7719.

10000 - 3478.2281 = 6521.7719.

More examples:
  1. 1000     - 363.633     = 636.367
  2. 100000 - 9191.09     = 90808.91
  3. 100000 - 23              = 99977
The simplicity of this method can be vouched from examples given above.

You may try following example:
1) 100000 - 459.62
2) 1000000 - 7.142867
3) 1000 - 17.10

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In next blog we will discuss about "Criss-Cross System of Multiplication".
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I will post my new blog in next week.

We will meet very soon through our next blog. Till that stay connected, stay healthy and stay safe.


for giving your valuable time.

Good day😊.


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