By OMKAR TENDOLKAR

Hello friends,

                      This is  post number 111 from the series of "Vedic maths" blogs. Here in this blog we will learn about "Applications of the Sutras & Sub-sutras - 11"


"VEDIC MATHEMATICS" is the name given to the ancient system of mathematics, or, to be precise, a unique technique of calculations based on simple rules and principles, with which any mathematical problem be it arithmetic, algebra, geometry or trigonometry can be solved, hold your breath, orally!
What we call "Vedic Mathematics" is a mathematical elaboration of 'Sixteen Simple Mathematical formulae from the Vedas' as brought out by Sri Bharati Krishna Tirthaji.


The system is based on 13 Vedic sutras or aphorisms, which are actually word formulae describing natural ways of solving a whole range of problems.
Some examples of sutras are "Anurupyena", "Antyayor Desakepi", and "Antyayoreva". These 13 one-line formulae originally written in Sanskrit, which can be easily memorized, enables one to solve long mathematical problems quickly.

5. Antyayoreva ( only the last terms )
For the equation in the format (AC + D) / (BC + E) = A/B, the result is A/B = D/E. For
i. (x²+x+1) / (x²+3x+3) 
= (x+1) / (x+3)
or, {x(x+1)+1} / {x(x+3)+1} = (x+1) / (x+3)
or, (x+1) / (x+3) = 1 / 3
or, x = 0

6. Lopana Sthapanabhyam By alternate elimination and retention )
This is to factorize complex equation by eliminating any of the variable. For example:

i. Factorize 2x² + 6y² + 3z² + 7xy + 11yz + 7zx

We have 3 variables x, y, z.
Remove any of the variable like z by putting z = 0.
Hence the given expression
E= 2×2+6+7xy =(x+2y)(2x+3y) …(Combination of Anurupyena & Adyamadyenantyamantya).
Similarly, if y = 0, then
E = 2×2 + 3 + 7zx = (x+3z) (2x+z).
As x and 2x are present separately and uniquely. 

Hence we may map to get factors. 
E = (x+2y+3x) (2x+3y+z).

In next blog we will discuss about "Applications of the Sutras & Sub-sutras - 12".     

Are you excited for this?...
Then, please wait for it.
I will post my new blog in next week.

We will meet very soon through our next  blog. Till that stay connected, stay healthy and stay safe.


for giving your valuable time.

Good day😊


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