By OMKAR TENDOLKAR

Hello friends,

                      This is  post number 115 from the series of "Vedic maths" blogs. Here in this blog we will learn about "Applications of the Sutras & Sub-sutras - 15"


"VEDIC MATHEMATICS" is the name given to the ancient system of mathematics, or, to be precise, a unique technique of calculations based on simple rules and principles, with which any mathematical problem be it arithmetic, algebra, geometry or trigonometry can be solved, hold your breath, orally!
What we call "Vedic Mathematics" is a mathematical elaboration of 'Sixteen Simple Mathematical formulae from the Vedas' as brought out by Sri Bharati Krishna Tirthaji.


The system is based on 13 Vedic sutras or aphorisms, which are actually word formulae describing natural ways of solving a whole range of problems.
Some examples of sutras are "Anurupyena", "Antyayor Desakepi", and "Antyayoreva". These 13 one-line formulae originally written in Sanskrit, which can be easily memorized, enables one to solve long mathematical problems quickly.

13. Kevalaih Saptakam Gunyat

For 7 the Multiplicand is 143 (Kevala: 143, Sapta: 7).

On the basis of 1/7, without any multiplication, we can calculate 2/7, 3/7, 4/7, 5/7 and 6/7. For that 1/7=0.142857 is to be remembered. But since remembering 0. 142857 is difficult we remember Kevala (143). This is the only use of this sutra (for remembrance).

1/7 = 0.142857
and By Ekanyuna, 143 x 999 = 142857

We need to remember 142857 for following reasons:

  • 2/7 = 0.285714
  • 3/7 = 0.428571
  • 4/7 = 0.571428
  • 5/7 = 0.714285
  • 6/7 = 0.857142

All the values are in cyclic order.

So if we can remember 1/7 then we can obtain 2/7, 3/7 and etc as

  • 2/7: the last digit of answer must be 4 (2*7=14)
  • 3/7: the last digit of answer must be 1 (3*7=21)
  • 4/7: the last digit of answer must be 8 (4*7=28)
  • 5/7: the last digit of answer must be 5 (5*7=35)
  • 6/7: the last digit of answer must be 2 (6*7=42)
We are aware that this attempt is only to make you familiar with a few special methods of Vedic Mathematics. The methods discussed, and organization of the content here are intended for any reader with some basic mathematical background. That is why the serious mathematical issues, higher-level mathematical problems are not taken up in this article, even though many aspects like four fundamental operations, squaring, cubing, linear equations, simultaneous equations. factorization, H.C.F, recurring decimals, etc are dealt with. Many more concepts and aspects are omitted unavoidably, keeping in view the scope and limitations of the present volume.

We will meet very soon through our next  blog. Till that stay connected, stay healthy and stay safe.


for giving your valuable time.

Good day😊


  1. excellent, if anyone interested can visit our website

  2. Vedic Maths helps to overcome maths phobia in kids and ALLEN IntelliBrain provides Vedic Maths Live Online Classes to kids of Grades 1 to 8 (& above)
    To Read The A-Z Guide to The Ancient Vedic Mathematics of India

  3. After 115 is there further blog sir

    1. No further posts have been published yet, but I will try to resume them as early as possible.


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