By OMKAR TENDOLKAR

Hello friends,

                      This is  post number 55 from the series of "Vedic maths" blogs. Here in this blog we will learn about "Application of vinculum multiple addition and subtraction"

The technique of vinculum is very powerful and provides us with a method to convert digits in a number which are greater than 5, to digits less than 5. 
After the conversion, all arithmetic operations are carried out using the converted number, which make the operation very simple and fast.
It is not necessary to convert all the digits but a judicious conversion of certain digits (above 5) can decrease the computation effort considerably. 

The numbers which by presentation contains both positive and negative digits are called vinculum numbers.

We will begin by seeing the method to convert any given number to its vinculum equivalent and back to its original value.

You may ask your any query or doubt in comment box. I will try to resolve as early as possible.


We had already learn about "Concept of vinculum number & Conversion of general numbers into vinculum numbers" in our previous blog. If you have missed my last blog then please visit "VEDIC MATHS-53".

We had already learn about "Concept of vinculum number & Conversion of  vinculum numbers into general numbers" in our previous blog. If you have missed my last blog then please visit "VEDIC MATHS-54".

a) Application of vinculum multiple addition :


1. 232 + 4151 – 2889 + 1371

This could either be solved by first adding 232 and 4151, then subtracting 2889 from the sum and then adding 1371 to the result.

Or, we could add 232, 4151 and 1371 and then subtract 2889 from the sum.

Instead, we could speed up the operation by converting the subtraction to an addition operation as shown below:
                                       _ _ _ _ 
Let us write – 2889 as + 2 8 8 9 
Here, each digit is written as a negative digit.
Now, the problem can be rewritten as
                      _ _ _ _
232 + 4151 + 2 8 8 9 + 1371
or written vertically, it appears as

       2 3 2
+  4 1 5 1
    _ _ _ _
+  2 8 8 9
+  1 3 7 1
       _    _
    3 2 7 5

Since this is a single operation, it is faster and causes less strain to the mind.
The vinculum digits in the result can be converted to normal digits to obtain the final answer as 2865.

Answer :
232 + 4151 – 2889 + 1371 = 2865 .

b) Application of vinculum multiple subtraction:

2. Subtract  6869 from 8988

The subtraction operation would be slow and mentally tiring, with a carry at almost every step.
    8 9 8 8
-   _ _ _ _
    6 8 6 9
     2 1 2 1
                                                                                    _          _
 which is equal to 2119. Here, in the unit’s place, 8 + 9 gives 1 .

Answer :
8988 - 6869 = 2119 .

Solve the following example
  1. 7988 + 1786 - 1233 - 2146 = 6395
  2. 19.56 - 67.87 + 72.35 = 24.04
  3. 2352 - 1779 = 573
  4. 34.33 - 2.69 = 31.54
The simplicity of this method can be vouched from examples given above.

You may try following example:
1. 2345  + 12345 + 67899 
2. 23456 - 89999
3. 12345 - 8999 + 78999

You may answer this in comment box. You may ask your any query or doubt in comment box. I will try to resolve as early as possible.

In next blog we will discuss about "Application of vinculum multiplication and Division".     

Are you excited for this?...
Then, please wait for it.
I will post my new blog in next week.

We will meet very soon through our next  blog. Till that stay connected, stay healthy and stay safe.


for giving your valuable time.

Good day😊..


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